Our 2023 church-wide formational journey.

From January through December 2023 our church is going through the building blocks of church renewal and spiritual formation by engaging in a 5-phased approach created by the 501c3 nonprofit ministry Cross Vocational. While this is intended to be formative for the church as a whole, all are invited to journey with us in the work of renewing ourselves as individuals and in communion with Christ and one another for the building up of God's kingdom.

Body | Hands


31-Day Prayer Challenge, Οpenning Survey, Meditations, Discussions, and Commitment.

Mind | Head


Vision, Mission, Values, Effective Meetings, Feedback Process, Meditations, and Discussions.

Spirit | Heart

March, April, and May

Planning Personal and Church-Wide Spiritual Formation Retreats, Passion Planning, Meditations, and Discussions.

Self | Within

May, June, July, and August.

Personal Assets Inventory Survey, Group Database, Church-Life Organization and Planning, Meditations, and Discussions.

Others | Outward

August, September, October, November, and December.

Community Assets Inventory, Re-Thinking Vacation Bible School, Community Networking, Closing Survey, Meditations, and Discussions

Want to see what we are up to?

Want to be part of the journey?


No In-Person Worship Sunday, Christmas Day

After assessing the church property, de-icing ability, and current weather conditions, it is apparent that canceling in-person worship is the most wise option for us at Beech Grove UMC for safety reasons. You are welcome to join us online instead. The video will be available here on Sunday morning or you can join us on the Facebook page. May you be safe, happy, healthy, and at peace.

Small but might, doing what God has for us to do.

This church meeting at traditional church times, but yet engages with great love and care for the people among us and around us. We offer ourselves with love and our space as we are able when needs arise. With loving arms and and open heart and mind for whatever God has in mind for us next, we are faithful in following the teachings of Jesus. Imperfect as we are, we claim love above all and persistence in our aims toward perfection in love and faith in practice.

In-Person Only

Online worship in the works.

  • small church
  • big hearts
  • loving people

Follow us on Facebook.

Rev. Linda Furtado offers scripture readings on Wednesday evenings as we prepare for worship each Sunday.

Feel at home with our faith community in-person.

Meet with our pastor after worship.

If you are uncomfortable entering buildings during this season of COVID-19, feel free to contact us for more information.

Thank you for your patients as we update our website.

Benefits of worshiping with us.

1. Our Attendance

While it can be quite a challenge to some to be in worship with a small church, we appreciate the ability to both learn names and have space enough to maintain healthy social distancing guidelines.

2. Our Location

With space to grow, we look forward to offering more than a place of worship. Not far from the highway and with lots of green space for families and pets to spread out for after-church lunches, cookouts, meet-ups, or games on the ball court, we love this little quite corner of the world and maybe you will too.

3. Our Faith

We are United Methodists. That can feel like a turn off whether you have hang-ups with denominations or you know some of this denomination's history. However, we believe that what we learn from our past and how we work to be more like what Christ intends is essential to becoming our best selves, growing rather than repeating past mistakes.

What we've been up to lately.

High speed internet

We have internet! We just need to make it a bit more accessible. But, it is available upon request at the church.

Fully equipped kitchen

Oh how we miss our meals and gatherings at the church. #COVID But, we are ready when it's more feasible to host again.

Huge parking space

We have space if you need somewhere to park when you visit. Just one of the benefits of having enough property to spread things out a bit.

Online Worship Coming!

Alas, our capacity is very limited, but the pastor is working on getting us online for those who need this option for worship, study, or reflection.

Give Online

We may not be the most tech savy bunch, but we do have online giving available. You'll find that at

Got questions? Reach out.

We've got picture! (somewhere. LOL!) We'll post those asap. In the mean time, how about some lovely stock photos to brighten your day.


There are about 15-20 active members of the church. There are more of us if you count the membership roles.


Meeting Rooms are available for small groups and kids if you need to spread out or meet up for any reason.


Depending on family-group makeup, we estimate about 30 seats remaining for some good socially distanced worship space.